Customer Testimonials

  • Great service and communication.
    Stu was easy to deal with and knows his stuff.
    The team went the extra mile to ensure best trade price was achieved, sorted extended warranty, and tow bar in place.
    Scott was good re emails and talking things through.
    Car beautifully presented.
    Bron - Wellington Aug 2022
  • I can’t say enough about the WCD team - great service, great people. AJ was an absolute legend. John - Wellington Aug 2022
  • Just bought my fourth car off these guys. Awesome team. Always look after you, not too much sales fluff (although they make a mean cup of coffee) and totally upfront. Thanks AJ for putting in the time to make sure I found what I wanted and Scotty and the rest of the team for making it all smooth as usual. Leigh - Wellington Aug 2022
  • Thank you Stu and the WCD team .
    You were always efficient , professional , honest and thorough.

    I really appreciate the great service you gave - really willing to go above and beyond to make things happen .
    My new car is everything I had hoped and I am glad I trusted you .
    Philippa - Auckland Aug 2022
  • We had a great experience buying our car. We found Jason to be an excellent salesman. We really appreciated his approach in that he was friendly but also respectful of giving us time to look and think. He was knowledgeable about the car and helped us learn how navigate the technology. Scott was also friendly and thorough with his information, making the sale a very straight forward process. Overall we are very satisfied with the good quality service and the purchased vehicle. Tino pai to mahi Jason! Rebecca and Carol - Wellington Aug 2022
  • Just bought a Toyota aqua. Great experience with Jason the salesman and Scott the finance manager. They were so helpful. Explained to us everything about the car and the sales agreement . Very professional. Absolutely happy with their service. Awesome Ning - Wellington Aug 2022
  • Great customer service. Great guys and they know their cars. Highly recommend. Jason Scotty and steve are legends lol David - Lower Hutt Aug 2022
  • My partner and I purchased our first vehicle here. We were nervous about the experience but was pleasantly surprised at the diligence and care of the Team @ WCD - special thanks to Stu and Scott. They are super friendly and not pushy, they look after their customers and provide Top Tier Customer Service. We couldn't be more happy with the purchase and experience at the dealership. Thanks Team! Wiko - Wellington Aug 2022
  • Just like to say that AJ is a legend. So helpful and understanding of my needs. In fact the whole team at Wholesale Cars Direct were wonderful. Super special energy, like a close family. Donna - Wellington Aug 2022
  • Staff are extremely friendly, helpful and low pressure, the cars are in superb condition. Have purchased from them twice now. Aaron - Wellington Aug 2022
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